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Kristin Chenoweth Clearly Unafraid of Fashion Risks

Kristin-chenoweth-bikini-cute Also, she is clearly proud of her girl bits.

Kristin Chenoweth is hot. She is also very very talented. She is also obviously totally fearless about potentially showing off her baby-shoot.

This dress is a hot mess, wrapped around a hot little tamale. Funky ass pleats? Check. Neckline clearly taped to the flotation devices? Check. Pre-teen oh-holy-shit-my-vagina-just-slipped-out hemline? Checkity check check check. The color is blah, despite the obvious attempt at bedazzling. All in all, a washed out, snoozefest with promises of x-rated flash.

tsk tsk tsk.


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Fawn Amber

This dress is beautiful and if I looked like her, I'd wear stuff this short every day, every where, all the time.



That's the beauty of opinions, I suppose. She is gorgeous, like I said but for me, this dress is a fail.
Sent from my BadAss CrackBerry


I adore her. I think she's so genuinely sweet and sexy, all wrapped up in a little tiny package. I hardly even noticed the dress, initially, because her amazing smile and freakishly long legs (for such a tiny person)are in charge of that picture. Upon looking at the dress, specifically? Yeah - it could be hiked up over the boobs a bit more, and maybe - simultaneously - hiked over the girly bits a bit more. But whatever. She looks happy and confident, and that's what shows.


She rules: clothed, naked, whatever.


I like the dress - I mean, it could maybe be a little higher up around the chest area like Diana said - but I think the dress itself is cute/interesting.


Is that dress made of cootie catchers?


OMG I love you! I didn't know what they were called, but I totally thought about the MASH game!


@Julie: I was TOTALLY thinking that!


Cootie Catchers? Explain, please! :~)

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