One year ago today I was sitting in a terrible college summer dinner theater performance, killing my iPhone battery from relentless under-the-table Googling and scrolling through a deluge of "Michael Jackson is dead" updates on Tweetie.
My mind was blown. It was a weird day. Farrah died. Michael died. Scroll scroll scroll.
Okay, first let me just put this out there and get the rotten-vegetable pelting out of the way: I enjoyed the final episode of Lost and have only very minor quibbles with how they chose to end the series. I realize I am in the minority here. But I was in with the majority of people who hated how the The Sopranos ended at the time, but now realize that the cut-to-black finale was completely fucking brilliant and so this time maybe I'm just trying to make it easier on myself and skip the whole change-of-heart process because it's kind of tiring.
Knight and Day, the Tom Cruise / Cameron Diaz action movie that asks the question "Why the hell am I sitting in this theater?" opens today and it's only real competition is Grown Ups, that movie about Adam Sandler and his friends acting stupid for the millionth time, which looks equally horrific so maybe this is the weekend where we all just stay indoors. What do you say? I'll rent Memento. It'll be awesome.
Out of this World, an old favorite television show of mine, was a sitcom that told the story of a thirteen year old girl whose father was an alien and whose mother an Earthling. Her father's alien DNA gives the girl, Evie, special powers to stop time when she touches two fingers together. Hijinks ensued!
So (say it with me, okay?), Where Is She Now?
This Flashback is brought to you by I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS.
Hey, I'm not trying to jock up the joint over here. This is a pop culture website, not a sports blog. So I'll spare you the details about why you should be watching the World Cup even if you're not a sports fan (sanctioned daytime drinking and several shirtless menfolk, for starters). But I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't show you this pop culture/sports crossover moment of glory, courtesy of a star of film and television. Seriously, guys, this is, like, better than Rudy.
Finally. After years of waitin' and hopin', Futurama returns to the TV-O-Matic on Comedy Central tonight. But will the series be able to keep up the funny? A spoiler-free review of the first two episodes after the jump!
It is week two of Top Chef DC and our chefs are back in the kitchen - and this week they are pissy.
Who wants to see if I am physically capable of doing a three minute "Top Chef" recap?
You guys. This is it. This is our big chance. Last night, DinoShark appeared before me, awash in heavenly light, and said, "Raaaahhh!" And because I operate on a higher plane of existence, one where DinoShark and I dish, I knew that that meant, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their made-for-TV cinema!"
So Kim Kardashian tweeted that a woman at a restaurant was publicly breastfeeding and changing a diaper and Kim was not happy about it. Cue the drama. The Bad Moms Club gives their opinion on the whole situation.
I'm not sure there is a PR flack in the world that could get Mel Gibson out of the mess that he's in now. When did he turn into such a complete and total a--hole?
Reports are coming in that the interview ABC is touting as "exclusive" had to end early between The Bachelor's Jake and Vienna, who publicly broke up this week. Things apparently got really ugly.More after the jump!
Lindsay Lohan's required SCRAM ankle device is really, really ruining her mojo, y'all. It's very very sad. She's forced to be pale. And she's in pain. So she's - AGAIN - pleading with anyone owning a screwdriver to help her out. MY HEART BLEEDS FOR YA, LILO, TRULY.
Kendra Wilkinson is one of those people who are famous for reasons I don't quite understand; however I have to admit that reading what Kendra has to say about her post-baby body, is a refreshing change from what some other super skinny famous folk spout.
I am utterly torn, kids. On the one hand, Kristen Stewart is ACTUALLY SMILING for once. This is, like, stop-the-presses level shit here, and I kind of want to tell her she looks amazing just so she'll maybe lose the sullen scowl she's become so known for. On the other hand, there's this dress she's wearing. And it's kind of...I dunno, confusing?
Not even the beloved star of Arrested Development can cut in line to get the new iPhone 4 without pissing off everyone in the vicinity. Damn movie stars and their infernal perks. *grumble, grumble*
Tiki Barber can't afford the divorce he has to get because he left his pregnant wife for a 23 year old.
I don't mean to laugh at the misfortune of others but HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Unreleased photos + Auction + Dead Celeb = KACHING!
I'll admit it: I was team Debbie all the way. Before we even really had teams. You were just squarely in one camp or the other. I had my side-ponytail with scrunchie, my bottle of Electric Youth perfume, and just about every single cassette tape of Miss Gibson ever made. I sang "Lost in Your Eyes" at my fourth-grade recital. I WIN.