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Starbucks and MamaPop Want You To Have an Espresso Maker ***Contest Closed***r


***Contest Closed*** Sometimes you want a new, better puppy with added tail-wagging power.  Sometimes you want a robotic hand and your own Dance Dance Revolution machine. And sometimes you just want a kick-ass cup of espresso.  Well, Starbucks and MamaPop want to give you a gorgeous espresso maker to celebrate the launch of Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino Light (50% fewer calories and 60% less sugar)! Because one out of three ain't bad.  Contest details after the jump!

First, you will ask me: Palinode, is this espresso maker awesome? And I say: awesome? This biznatch is orange:


In order to win this decidedly excellent Ascaso Espresso Maker with a value of $550, all you need to do is answer my fiendishly not-very-difficult trivia question:

Q: What film director has his very own signature brand of coffee?

BONUS Q!: What is your favorite film by said director and why?

Leave your answer in the comments, ONE ENTRY PER PERSON.  The contest is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada and will run until noon on Tuesday, April 6th, after which time one lucky commenter gets the Ascaso Espresso Maker, sent to you direct by catapult. Or something. I don't know every last detail.

Also, because we like you and we want your choice of sweet flavoured coffee beverage to be healthier than falling down an elevator shaft, feel free to grab a coupon for $1 off your next Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino Light below.

Ascaso Espresso Maker Product Page

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David Lynch


Paul Newman - Newman's Own coffee!


David Lynch. DUNE, baby. But probably because I love that damn book so much.


David Lynch! Dune! Want coffee!


David Lynch. David Lynch. David Lynch.

Mulholland Drive: I'm still thinking about it. But how many works of art are intellectual puzzles that make you laugh at random moments? It's sort of worked into my life in some way. I'll be telling someone a dream I had and then I'll remember the scene where the guy in the diner tells the other guy the dream. And the scary guy pops up from behind the dumpster. Only he's not so scary. And I'll find myself laughing about this for several days.

OK, maybe that's not a good reason. I should have said: The cowboy. I love it for the cowboy.

Come to think of it there is a brilliant espresso scene IN Mulholland Drive. That I relate to, because I am kind of picky, although I hide it.

Girls kissing. But maybe I shouldn't go into that.

Dammit, I hate these contests. All the groveling. I told myself I would always resist.


david lynch. elephant man


David Lynch. Don't have a favorite, can I still win? :)

Amy (Not Amalah)

David Lynch

Blue Velvet.

And I. So. Want!


david lynch, blue velvet for big screen, Twin Peaks if television counts.


1) David Lynch

2) 2) Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me because it is visually interesting, the characters are fascinating and iconic, and it takes place in my backyard (I live in the NW).


David Lynch! Mulholland Dr! Thanks!


I guess David Lynch, but I prefer Paul Newman.

Favorite movie - Wild At Heart, but definitely Twin Peaks, if television counts.


Google sez David Lynch. I'm not sure I've ever seen any of his movies but can I pick Twin Peaks? I watched that! (Plus wasn't eventually a movie?)


david lynch... mullholland drive is a pretty good choice albeit very odd like most of his works. :)


I guess I forgot the why...
Two lines

1. Did I ever tell ya that this here jacket represents a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom?

2. You got me hotter than Georgia asphalt.


David Lynch.

Confession: Dune is the only one I like.

Carol (@kaseandannasmom)

David Lynch, baby. I'm such a Twin Peaks junkie.


David Lynch. Probably Mulholland Drive.


Coffee need coffee. Um answer is ... David Lynch. YAwn.


Favorite film? Dune! loved those blue eyes.


David Lynch
Elephant Man, simply because I love Anthony Hopkins!

Anjie B.

David Lynch. I wonder if they sell it here in Utah? Probably not.


all signs point to david lynch. (i bet his coffee is unnerving.)
dune is my favorite.
also partial to blue velvet, and naturally twin peaks. lost highway freaked my shit right out.


Have to go with David Lynch and the first movie of his I ever saw (at much too young an age) - Blue Velvet.

Jen H.

David Lynch
Blue Velvet because it's so deliciously weird.

Also, I gasped out loud when I saw that espresso machine. *grabby hands*


David Lynch. My favorite is Mulholland Drive.

Heidi T

David Lynch and Dune is awesome!

Pat Knight

Like everyone else said, David Lynch.

I'm gonna can Eraserhead, because that movie was creepy as all hell.

Shoe Gal

David Lynch, Blue Velvet


David Lynch. I'm afraid to try his coffee. I loved Twin Peaks, and watched it to the bitter end...and the movie Fire: Walk With Me left me scarred for life. So I'd call that a favourite :).

Deenuts Dana

David Lynch

Mudholland Drive!

Linda :)

David Lynch -- The Straight Story

Teri C

David Lynch, and my fav movie of his would be Dune. I could never read through all of the book series but I could sit with a lot of coffee and ignore my ex and watch that movie over and over again because he hated it. He was a matrix man, and man, Dune was slamming your head on the wall for him and it was great.
I need to get me some of that coffee to go with that nice espresso machine that I could win. T


David Lynch has his own line of coffee. My fav. would be Wild at Heart ... can't beat a combo of Nick Cage and Laura Dern.


David Lynch and my husband would kill me if I didn't say Dune.

Linda R

David Lynch....The Elephant Man

Linda R

David Lynch ... Mulholland Drive


1. David Lynch
2. Elephant Man
Why? Last lines:
Merrick's Mother: Never. Oh, never. Nothing will die. The stream flows, the wind blows, the cloud fleets, the heart beats. Nothing will die.


David Lynch- and Lost Highway... because I went on a first date with my ex to see that... THAT was an interesting first date.


David Lynch. Blue Velvet! I want to watch it again right now.


David Lynch!


David Lynch and Elephant Man, because I am not an animal.

Also, Wild at Heart because come on, crappy acting from Nic Cage plus the Wizard of Oz AND Elvis? In one movie? That's the movie equivalent of eating chocolate-covered bacon on a stick... with Nic Cage.


Should I cover my bases & guess David Lynch AND Paul Newman??

Anyhoo - Blue Velvet b/c it gave my hubs a lifelong appreciation for the woman who doesn't look like... Jennifer Aniston.


David Lynch! Favorite film would have to be, hmmm...Mulholland Drive, of course.


David Lynch. I could lie but I think the truth is, I've never seen any of his movies.


David Lynch. I don't actually know that... just following the other comments cause I really want that machine.


I dig Mulholland Drive by David Lynch for the Kim Basinger performance

Marilyn @ A Lot of Loves

David Lynch "By will alone I set my mind in motion." LOVE Dune!


David Lynch. Can I count Twin Peaks? If not, I pick Mulholland Drive.


David Lynch

Well Twin Peaks the series would have to be the most favouritest thing ev.ah he's done (not the movie - the movie sucked cacapoopoo) but film wise it would have to be Wild at Heart because it repulsed me and drew me in at the same time. And because I can never ever look at Willem Dafoe and not see his character in that film - its like Lynch etched that character on me with acid!


David Lynch - I too am one of those people who only cared for Dune. It's the only one that didn't leave me hopelessly WTF when it was over.


David Lynch, and "Blue Velvet" because I remain creeped out to this day.

Jane Devin

This is kismet, this is fate,
I love my beans, I love David Lynch, world-renowned director and bean roaster. My favorite movie of his is Elephant Man. "I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being!" Coincidentally, I wrote a story called Elephant Girls that was rooted in that feeling of outsidedness. See? Kismet.
Besides, Klout tells me I'm a Starbucks fanatic. They offered to send me tiny, free samples. I eschew plain coffee for fresh lattes, though -- triple Venti, with skim milk, please.


I know it's David Lynch. But, I totally wish it was Quentin Tarantino. And it would be called Grindhouse. (I know. That was lame.)

My favorite David Lynch film is obviously Blue Velvet because it's so god damn sick.


David Lynch, both answers.

Also, my 7 month old requests that momma get the espresso maker. She's kind of a bi#ch in the mornings.


David Lynch!

And also you guys ROCK because you included the Canadians in this. We NEVER get to win stuff on the Internet so you're all awesome, the end.


David Lynch. Don't have a favorite film of his.


That would be David Lynch. My fave? Dune!

As the Paul Atredies once said:

I must drink esspreso. Esspreso is the mind-killer. Esspreso is the little-death that brings total obliteration to grogginess. I will drink my Esspreso. I will permit it to pass over my gullet and through me (poot!). And when my Esspreso is gone I will turn and face Esspreso's path, and only I will remain.

Slightly more awake.

Mary P (Barnmaven)

David Lynch...and Dune will always be my favorite of his movies.


David Lynch....

Going to have to go with Blue Velvet! My 8-year old self would be proud.


Dude is a freak, but David Lynch and Blue Velvet


David Lynch.

I don't actually have a favorite film by him yet, but my late Drama Lit teacher (RIP Kriley) used Blue Velvet for one of our projects, and always had good gossip about Lynch since he'd been at University of Montana at some point.


David Lynch Dune


David Lynch is the answer. But I dont really care for his films. I very much disliked Mulholland Drive. As much as I would like to lie and just pick a film as my favorite - I just can't lie to my mamapop peeps.....

Rose R

David Lynch. Favorite film - Wild at heart - why... Because it stared Nick Cage! Thanks!


I'm a sucker for a contest! The answer, if those above me are correct, is David Lynch. Thanks!

Amber Gibson

David Lynch does and my favorite movie of his is Wild at Heart!


David Lynch. Mulholland Drive.
I really need the coffee!

Danielle Koch

David Lynch of course! Hard to pick, but I have to say. . . .WILD AT HEART!!!! That orange espresso maker would SOOOOOO match my new rug! I needz it!

Danielle Koch

David Lynch of course! Hard to pick, but I have to say. . . .WILD AT HEART!!!! That orange espresso maker would SOOOOOO match my new rug! I needz it!


david lynch (and meh-i liked twin peaks....)


Apparently the answer is David Lynch, but I don't even know if I have seen any of his movies, so I doubt I have a favourite. Does that take me out of the running?


David Lynch, Dune


David Lynch. Dune is probably my favorite. Gotta love scary little Alicia Witt, strange, fat, floating, Kenneth McMillan, and of course Sting.

Anna Ironside

David Lynch. Mulholland Drive was the only film of his that I've seen that I've remotely understood, so it's my favorite!


David Lynch - Eraserhead, mostly for the cover. Who doesn't love the Tim Robbins-looking-dude with that crazy ass hair?


Also - The Elephant Man. That is my real answer.


The David Lynch answer is Wild at Heart, because of a fabulous snakeskin jacket. The Paul Newman answer is Cool Hand Luke, because nobody can eat 50 hard boiled eggs. But I have a soft spot for The Sting, because he wears overalls in it, and I LOVED with pink puffy hearts Twin Peaks.


David Lynch... but I had to google that. Does it still count if I don't have a favorite David Lynch movie?


David Lynch


David Lynch. Favorite movie - Dune! mostly because I'm a nerd and partly because it has Sting


uh... David Lynch.
uh... Twin Peaks!! and Dune.
because there's nothing else like them.


David Lynch.

And I guess it would be Mullholland Drive, but only because of the "Llorando" scene.


David Lynch! Fave thing he's done is Twin Peaks.

Samantha M.

David Lynch - Dune!

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